De Quervain’s tenosynovitis is an inflammatory condition in which you might experience swelling in your tendons that run along the thumb side of your wrist. It mainly occurs when the tendons are constricted by the sheath that runs through the wrist to the hand. So, if you are suffering from this condition then can treat this condition with Home remedies for De Quervain tendinitis however, before that learn about causes and symptoms of this condition:
Causes of De Quervain’s tenosynovitis:
- De Quervain’s tenosynovitis is common and mainly associated with overuse of the thumb and wrist.
- It is mainly common among women who are pregnant due to their hormonal imbalance or during breastfeeding
- People with rheumatoid arthritis are at risk of developing this condition
- There is a huge share of people who develop this condition in their 40s or 50s
Symptoms of De Quervain’s tenosynovitis:
- At first, you might feel pain over the thumb side of your wrist, which is a major symptom. Pain may appear suddenly or gradually and starts from the wrist, making its way up to your forearm. It is usually worse when your hand and thumb are in use. You might experience it when you forcefully grasp or lift objects or twist your wrist.
- After a while, you might observe swelling over the thumb side of the wrist, and this swelling might accompany a fluid-filled cyst at that particular region.
- You might also feel a catching or snapping sensation when moving a thumb.
- As it gets worse, pain and swelling will make it difficult to move your thumb and wrist.
Home Remedies For De Quervain Tendinitis:
You can either use a tape or removal splint for this procedure to keep your wrist and thumb in a comfortable position to improve pain, especially at night. Moreover, it also helps with mobility in your wrist by giving it a constant stretch. It is considered as one the best home remedies for De Quervain tendinitis. You just need to wear it for 24 hours for 4 to 6 weeks.
Anti-inflammatory drugs:
Over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medications, such as ibuprofen and naproxen, can be taken orally or applied topically. These medications can help with swelling as well as pain.
Activity modification:
Certain activities require the continuous use of the thumb and wrist can help you at an earlier stage. There might be a chance that earlier symptoms can reduce on their own if they avoid the repetitive use of thumb and writs. So, if you want the home remedies for De Quervain tendinitis work it is import that you rest your thumb and wrist.
Ice therapy can reduce inflammation and numb pain signals, so it works for De Quervain’s tenosynovitis. You must ice the affected area for 10-15 minutes daily. You must remember that you can’t apply ice directly on the skin, or it can cause burns.
Corticosteroid injections:
A corticosteroid injection addressed into a tendon sheath is effective in coping with a condition by reducing swelling and pain. You might require two to three injections over 6 weeks. However, there are also side effects that come with these injections, such as cortisone flare.
Physical therapy:
physical therapy is also one of home remedies for De Quervain tendinitis in which an assigned therapist might teach you an exercise for the hand and thumb. Moreover, you might also learn how to perform daily tasks while putting minimal strain on your thumb and wrists.
Massage therapy can also help with the pain. You just need to gently rub the affected area with the help of massage tools or wands that are easily available in the market. It can stimulate the healing process by regulating the blood flow to the injured area. Moreover, it will also relax the inflamed tendons.
Surgical procedure:
You can opt for the surgical treatment in which the surgeon will inspect the sheath surrounding that involved the tendon or tendons in opening up the sheath and releasing the pressure. Which in turn allows the tendon to glide freely again. It can relieve your symptoms without affecting your hand and wrist if it is successful.
- At first, the doctor identifies and protects the nerves that reside near the tendon sheath
- Then, the surgeon will release the sheath in a way to avoids tendon instability
- If there is excess tissue around the tendons, the surgeon will remove it.’
- The incision is closed and bandaged.
Hence, De Quervain’s tenosynovitis is a painful condition mainly due to repetitive hand moments and is more common among women. It can also limit the mobility in your wrist if left untreated. So, it is better to treat this condition at an earlier stage to avoid these complications. You can start your treatment journey with home remedies for De Quervain tendinitis and practice those daily until you see some improvement in your symptoms. If those do not work for you, then opt for a surgical procedure; however, that comes with the prices of post-surgery complications and a huge chunk of money.