Everybody knows about the importance of writing or more specifically, essay writing. Still; nobody has got the time to do it. Essay writing was all fun until you could pen down your emotions but soon these essays became highly academic. They became all about gathering information, collecting data, and then critically evaluating concepts out of it. However, nobody can deny that essay writing is an integral part of every student’s life.
There are online assistances that can help students in developing their skills. The practice of the online collaborative writing technique for English argumentative essays has given students a meaningful learning experience and has a strong contribution to enhancing their argumentative essay writing skills (Ardiasih et al. 2019).
The trend of students buying Best Essay Writing Service in USA and even around the world is quite prevalent. There is nothing wrong with it but there must be legit reasons for such a huge group of students opting for these services instead of writing their essays on their own. In the following post; these reasons will be discussed along with some information about essay writing.
Essay Writing:
Essay writing is the process of writing a particular topic where the writer pens down his opinions. There are different types of essays varying from narrative to argumentative. Similarly; in some essays formal tone is used, some essays are informal and others are semi-formal. Students need to understand the basics of essay writing and then they will b able to write any kind of essay. Even if students know the style of essay still; they prefer to buy College Admission Essay USA services or services from other such platforms for multiple reasons.
Reasons for Students Being Addicted to Hiring Essay Writers:
Essays could be long and boring with a lot of fancy alien words that would make anyone turn the page in just a glance (Tennant, 2020). There are various reasons for students looking to hire essay writers who can write essays on their behalf. Following are some such reasons:
1. Academic Load:
Most of the students prefer to buy writing services from online platforms because they are already burdened with so much academic load that they seek help from an outside source. Students are assigned a lot of tasks at the home including writing projects, slide preparations, class presentations, and so on. This is why they try to find relief at least from one side.
2. Incompetent at Writing:
Another reason for students hiring professional writers to write essays on their behalf is because these students are incompetent writers or at least they believe that. They don’t think that they can write a good essay or sometimes they are actually not that good at writing essays because they have never tried writing an essay before.
3. Lack of Time:
Students are that group of people who want to do everything but the time does not allow them to do so. They want to complete their studies, they want to do a part-time job, they want to hang out with their friends, and they also want to binge-watch series. When they are unable to cope with all this then they try to manage it by taking writing assistance from online platforms so that they can be stress-free from that part.
4. Desire to Achieve Higher Scores:
Even when students are good at writing essays and are familiar with all of the rules of essay writing still; they opt for online essay services. The reason for this is that they don’t want to take a risk with their grades. They think that if they will get their essays done by professional writers then it will guarantee them higher scores.
5. Easier Access:
Taking essay writing services from professional writers has become so easy for students of all age groups. Multiple online sites are offering their academic writing services throughout the day and night. The most one has to do is to place their order and give money in exchange for an exceptionally well-written essay. This easy access has made students reach for professional writers’ assistance.
6. Cheaper Services:
Another reason for students being addicted to buying writing services from online platforms is that these online service providers offer their assistance at quite cheaper rates. So; it is of no difficulty for students to take their services without any hesitation.
7. Tight Deadline:
When students are given a tight deadline for their essay submission then they find hiring professional writers the best option. When they know that they would not be able to meet the deadline then these essay service providers come to the rescue for them.
Setbacks of Buying Essay Writing Services from Online Platforms:
Even though; it is completely fine to buy essay writing services from online platforms sometimes but the addiction to it is not good. Everything comes with its possible setbacks and so does the online academic help that students take. Following are some such setbacks of buying online academic assistance.
- It does not allow the student to work on his writing skills.
- These services don’t help the student in better understanding the concept as much as the student could have understood by writing the essay on his own.
- These essay services make the student so dependent upon them to the level that they could not think of writing essays by themselves.
- After receiving the services from professional writers; students start to question their own writing abilities.
- Some educational institutes consider it a serious offense if the students get their work done by somebody else.
Essay writing is the kind of academic writing that students of all grades and levels have to write. Some students take the easier route by buying online writing services. It is fine to buy these services in times of need or emergency but being addicted to them is not something that anybody would recommend.
Lidwina Sri Ardiasih, E. E. (2019, June 6th). The Practice of Constructivist-Based Online Learning for English Argumentative Essay Writing: Learners’ perceptions. Proceedings of the Eleventh Conference on Applied Linguistics.
Tennant, N. (2020, March 7th). HOW TO PERFECT YOUR ESSAY WRITING STYLE? https://masteressaywriters.co.uk/blogs/how-to-perfect-your-essay-writing-style.