Optical Center Eyeglasses:
If your glasses prescription also has an ad on there short for extra lenses. this means more for someone who needs something like a bifocal prescription. a trifocal, or a progressive lens. Now single vision, lenses can also for reading up close or being on something like a computer. and we call those near vision. Lenses something like reading glasses or computer glasses. Bifocal glasses are the lenses that have that extra line going through the middle of the lens in the Optical Center. That’s a more magnifying lens. on top of your distance vision. the prescription that way you can see in the distance and look through the magnifying lens. If you need more than a distance and a reading prescription. but want to be able to see That intermediate zone as well, there is also a trifocal option that has an extra line on there.
Bifocals Or Trifocals:
So you have three levels. but not everybody likes these two different designs for bifocals or trifocals. because that line makes them either look older or the line gets in the way Of their vision. And so most people nowadays will end up reaching for something called a progressive lens. or a very focal lens. Progressive or varifocal lenses are eyeglasses lenses like bifocal or trifocal. but instead of having like two or three segments. it’s like having 25 segments where the lenses are all blended together. That’s why a lot of people will call them no line bifocals because again. you cannot see the line on the lenses, even the glasses. I’m wearing right now a very slight reading prescription at the bottom. but it’s all blended together and you can’t tell. but these lenses are often ideal because they did not let you see in the distance and up close.
Optical Center Lens:
But they give you many different levels of Range For reading things like on a computer. a dashboard, and other things. Now there is a lot to say about progressive lenses. One brand of the lens is not the same as another. and they give you completely different visual experiences. But now that we’ve gone over different lens design options. let’s now go over different lens materials, because there are some lens Materials. that have better advantages over others and because there are many different options. and they can get a little confusing if you’re, not in this optical World. a lot of glasses shops like the one we’re at here, as well as a lot of online glasses websites. They’ll have the lenses broken down. into what is called lens packages breaking down from more affordable. Cheaper lens options. all the way up to premium lens options which you will see better out of and have a better visual experience. but they’re usually more costly. The basic thing that you need to know about glasses lenses is this. the most standard glasses lens that is used these days is, in fact, a plastic called cr39.