Use Academic ERP Software to revolutionize leave management
Every time someone from the teaching or administrative staff needs to take a leave they are bound to follow a particular procedure. For instance, they require to write an application and submit it to the concerned authority for approval; without getting the required approval if they miss work and take a leave it can cause them a great deal of trouble. Therefore, it is not surprising to see institutes adopting smart technologies to accelerate key institutional functions.
In fact, in the last ten years, education technology has flourished gradually leading to the development of advanced systems such as ERP solution. Moreover, ERP is one of the most efficient softwares that help institutes to carry out day-to-day activities productively. Apart from streamlining various administrative activities, it also aids in automating enrollment, fees and examination management system. Simultaneously, leave management module can also be integrated with the system, thereby making it convenient for team members. ‘
Let us take a look at how the academic ERP software simplifies the leave management system for institutes:
Online leave application
Employees, usually need to write an application and then directly hand it to the HR or their supervisor; in the absence of the the authorised personnel, they may have to wait until their return. Moreover, in case an individual need to take a leave urgently because of medical or other issues but the supervisor is unavailable, it can lead to unprecedented difficulties.
Besides, it is high time that institutes switch over from the paper-based traditional method and opt for technological tools. Also, it is crucial to note that the leave management tool works effectively in sync with the existing academic ERP software. However, if a particular institute has not upgraded their system yet, they need to implement the software. One of the benefits is that leave management tools come integrated with the systems; hence, they do not need to invest extra to install the tool.
On the other hand, the tool also helps to reduce cost involved in maintaining and generating hard copies of leave application forms.
Convenient tracking and recording of leaves
At times when an employee asks for leave they have to face questions and objections related to to their attendance rate in the workplace. For example, if someone from college or school accounts team wants to take a leave, the supervisor or HR may comment on how frequent they take leaves. This is a common occurrence if the institute has traditional paper-based leave system; irregularities in the maintenance of the leave application records can cuase such issues.
With the automated leave management system, institutes can record and capture details of online leave forms and maintain the record of all staff. Consequently, administrative personnels can track how many leaves employees have taken over the course of months. Also, the system provides business critical insights that the institute’s internal team members can use to implement key procedural changes.
Facilitates timely notifications
After the installation of the system, institute’s IT team can feed specific leave policies, after that it will start sending reminders of upcoming holidays and residual leaves. Additionally, they can categorise leaves depending on what the employee applied for and the notifications of residual leaves gets sent to the staff after that.
At times due to unforeseen events like general strikes across the city or country, institutes are compelled to stay closed. During such times, HR can send notifications related to such events, indicating a holiday.
Integrates easily with payroll system
Previously, the HR had to spend considerable amount of time and effort to go through the attendance record to determine the number of present and absent days. After that they used to proceed to calculated the LOP and process the salary accordingly. Thankfully, an institute’s finance or account team do not need to go through such a time-consuming process anymore. With the help of the leave management system, they can access the number of leaves that an employee had taken and calculate the payroll accordingly.
As a result, there is a reduced chances of making any errors leading to the institute to depend more on accurate data and accelerated operation.
Customisation feature
Policies and procedures that might be appropriate for one institute might not be for another; different institutes have different requirements. Therefore, if an educational institution is wondering about integrating leave management tool, they need to ensure that it has customisation feature. Besides, the feature enables them to include any changes they want to make and integrate with different applications including the academic ERP software.
In conclusion
Enterprise resource planning or ERP is a versatile software that enables organistions to automate many functions effortlessly. Depending on the scalability of the system, institutes can integrate leave management application easily and automate the applying, recording and tracking of employee’s leaves.