Step 1: Determine Your Issues
Prioritize the individual web pages on your site that aren’t operating as you’d want in order to identify the source of your issue on google. If your website is extensive, you should provide particular attention to each component (news, goods, about us, etc.). Additionally, you should examine your search traffic over time to determine the precise location of the decline. You may concentrate on optimizing only that particular portion of your site if you can divide your URLs into pieces and use subfolders. The only method to determine this is to segment your site in this fashion. Sometimes, your site may be operating well overall except in one or two sectors.
Search for Keyword Decline Using Google Trends
To view some of your top keywords and subjects, go into your Google Trends account. It’s something you’ve done with your site, not a shift in how people are looking if search demand has increased at a similar rate yet your site’s traffic and ranks have decreased. On the other hand, if you see that traffic for certain search phrases has decreased noticeably overall (perhaps due to outdated information or products from a prior year), it’s time to refresh your material.
Step 2: Execute diagnostic inquiries
Run these queries to gain a fast understanding of what could be wrong with your pages.
Look up your primary keywords. If your company provides SEO services in India, one of your primary objectives may be “SEO services India“. Check your ranking to see how well it is doing and whether it has improved over time.
Look up the name of your brand and the targeted keyword. You might look up “ SEO services India” in this situation. If you aren’t ranking for a term like this, you could be dealing with a major problem, like a Google penalty related to your website or business name.
Copy and paste a passage from one of your pages (anything longer than 10 words) (any string of more than about ten words). Avoid using quote marks when checking to determine if Google is indexing your material. (With such a targeted search, it ought to be!)
Look up the text phrase enclosed in quotation marks. You may conclude the problem is not duplicate material but rather something with your content quality or a Google penalty if you are ranking for the content in quotes but not the one without.
Search for a URL string like “” to make sure your content gets indexed. You could have a crawl, robots.txt, or meta robots problem if you can’t find your result.
If you experience technical difficulties, make sure to look into problems with Bing and Yahoo searches. If just Google is giving you trouble, an algorithm update is probably to blame. For the most recent revisions, go to Google’s Quality Raters’ Guidelines.
To check how Google perceives your material, use Fetch and Render.
Create some hypothesis regarding the situation now that you have some ideas about what may be the cause of your problems. To begin with, you must ascertain the type of situation you are in. Either your ranks have risen while traffic has fallen, or your rankings have risen while traffic has fallen. Hire an SEO expert company India to get the best results with your website’s traffic and ranking.
Although your site’s rankings have risen, its traffic may have declined for one or more of the following reasons:
- Lessen the necessity of seeking (as seen in Google Trends)
- New features on the search engine results page (such as featured snippets, which could be stealing more traditional organic traffic)
- Branding issues (have you just had a PR nightmare?) It’s probable that it’s hurting the traffic to your website.)
- The importance of local searches has decreased in comparison to earlier times due to a change in Google’s algorithm.
If both visitor and ranking numbers have dropped:
- It’s conceivable that a few of the issues mentioned above are also to blame for this situation, but most of the time, the issue is brought on by issues like the ones stated below:
- A change in the searcher’s objectives. People can be seeking for a service that is different from the one they typically use.
- Materials of poor quality or those that have been copied. Your content doesn’t offer nearly enough value.
- You are falling behind rival companies in your sector. It could be time for you to adopt some of their techniques if you see that your competitors frequently outperform you.
- A technological character concerns You might want to look into your technical choices if your content isn’t being indexed, your performance is lacking, or you’re dealing with other issues of a similar nature.
- Engagement difficulties. People may visit your website, but if they don’t find what they’re searching for, they may abandon the page quickly.
Step 3: It’s Time to Make Changes
It is time to begin making revisions when you have completed your inquiry and formulated your hypothesis. The methods that may be used to resolve each of the aforementioned problems are succinctly listed below.
On-Page and Technical Issues: Ask Google to do a new crawl and index of your website.
This might take a few days to a few weeks, depending on how many pages are involved.
Concerning Links and Spam Issues: It is advisable to completely avoid them by implementing connected best practices from the beginning of the process because they might take months to fix. You could even have to wait till the algorithm is changed.
Make Important Changes to a Goodly Array of Your Section Pages. If you merely make a little adjustment to the area of your website that isn’t doing well, it won’t make much of a difference. You must update the majority of these sites in order to experience the full impact of this change. It’s likely that in certain circumstances, changing your URLs instead of attempting to fix the ones you already have would be preferable.
Targeting Particularly Pages That Aren’t Performing Well
You should both contribute new content to your website and update the existing content. If there is information or a state that is no longer accurate, this is very crucial. This is a great tactic for quickly raising your position in the search results.
Republishing outdated material: Google will still view your page as being out of date and less relevant even if it contains outstanding information but hasn’t been updated in a while and was published several years ago.
If you haven’t already optimized your website for search engines, start doing so right away. You should modify your material to reflect any significant changes in the rankings for your target phrase.
Improve the title: It is one of the most crucial components of your content since it persuades visitors to click for more information and to stay on your website. Make sure your keyword is included and that it is memorable.
Although SEO is not a precise science, applying these tactics should help you find the pages on your website that are doing poorly. In order to stay informed about the potential causes of websites’ poor rankings, be sure to keep a careful eye on algorithm updates as well as SEO news on a regular basis.