If yoga is included in the lifestyle, then many types of diseases can be prevented. Often people spend a lot on health and fitness care but it does not give them any special benefit. Yoga is such a simple way of staying healthy, by adopting which you can avoid many serious diseases throughout your life. Let us know which problems can be controlled through yoga practice.
High blood pressure
It is a very common misconception that high blood pressure patients should not practice yoga. Chandrabhedi Pranayama proves very beneficial for such people. High BP can be easily controlled by regular practice.
How to do Chandrabhedi Pranayama:
For this, sitting in Sukhasana, close the right nostril with the thumb of the right hand and breathe through the left nostril and exhale through the right nostril. During this, keep your eyes closed and all the attention should be on the coming and going breaths. While doing this, peace of mind and concentration toward the speed of breath are very important. Only then you will get its complete benefit. In the beginning, you can do it 5 times, and later with practice gradually increase its frequency. With this, high blood pressure can be easily controlled and this action also prevents heart disease.
And if you are a fitness freak and want to learn more about yoga poses, then you should learn at the Weight Loss Retreat.
Nowadays, due to increasing pollution, the problem of asthma is increasing very fast in people and people of all age groups are getting affected by it. Bhastrika Pranayama is very beneficial to avoid this problem.
How to do Bhastrika Pranayama:
This action should be done very slowly. Take a long deep breath in the lungs and release it back slowly. Start it with a minute or two and when it becomes comfortable, take it to five minutes. Keep in mind, when you feel tired, stop in between.
This is such a problem related to the metropolitan lifestyle, due to which most people are troubled nowadays. If the symptoms of diabetes are seen in a person, then paddock asana proves very beneficial for him.
If yoga is included in the lifestyle, then many types of diseases can be prevented. Often people spend a lot on health and fitness care but it does not give them any special benefit. Yoga is such a simple way of staying healthy, by adopting which you can avoid many serious diseases throughout your life.
Hope you liked this article and now you have understood well about these yoga postures. If you also want to be healthy skin then practice yoga asana daily and keep yourself physically healthy. Regular yoga practice leads to good health benefits. And nowadays, due to increasing pollution, the problem of asthma is increasing very fast in people and people of all age groups are getting affected by it. Bhastrika Pranayama is very beneficial to avoid this problem. This action should be done very slowly. Take a long deep breath in the lungs and release it back slowly. Start it with a minute or two and when it becomes comfortable, take it to five minutes. Keep in mind, when you feel tired, stop in between.