Since its release, PHP has evolved continuously and also provided various features and functionalities.The latest PHP version is PHP7 and with it, it has even introduced many mindblowing features, so today we will look at them.
Moreover, today many global companies are using PHP for their web development. That’s why it is the most demanding technology in the world right now. With PHP, it has introduced it’s various frameworks, which makes the web development even more easier and faster
Look out for the top most features of PHP7
Anonymous Classes in PHP7
PHP7 has introduced a way to create classes without naming them. You can create the anonymous class and can derive the object using it. You can even unset these objects any time which is one of the important features of PHP7
PHP7 Integer Division function
The integer division functions were an issue in PHP5, but it is no longer issue now because PHP7 has resolved this issue. It has introduced one of its functions called intdiv(). The function simply accepts two parameters which are dividend and divisor and returns a quotient which is an integer.
Directory Levels with function dirname()
This function is one of the most used functions of PHP of all time. It returns the path of the parent’s directory by accepting the path of the current directories. This function can return paths of different levels.
Can Have Unlimited Arguments to PHP7 Functions
PHP7 contains clear syntax and can pass unlimited parameters to a PHP function. You can define unlimited arguments to the PHP functions. These functions come with easy and understandable syntax.
Define Array Constants Using Define ()
Previously, Array constants were declared using the const keywords. Now in PHP7 , You would be able to use the define() functions to define your array constants.
The Spaceship Operator
The spaceship operator is a comparison operator. It performs three checks at a time. It performs comparisons for equality, lesser than, or greater than operands. By using this operator, your code will be less complex and simple, and easy to understand. It will even avoid ambiguity between the codes.
Null Coalescing Operator
This operator is an improvement for the traditional ternary operators. It makes the syntax shorter while working with NULL values, and the non-existing variables. This operator is very useful too.
Scalar Type Declaration for PHP7 Functions
This feature of PHP7 makes the php more typesafe and that’s why it is called Scalar Type Declaration. You can mention the types of arguments for PHP7. You can use types like integer, float, boolean, string, interfaces, array, and callable. This is one of the important features which makes PHP programs more typeSafe than ever before.
Return Types for PHP Functions
It is one of the major features of PHP7. As now PHP is concentrating more on its OOP concepts, Return Types for functions which is a must-feature. It lets you to specify Return Types for your functions, methods, generators as well as anonymous functions. It is an optional feature and depends upon the developer whether to specify it or not.
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