People of color, particularly those residing in the third world were victims of colonization at the hands of the Europeans. Colonialism forced them into displacement and the loss of their identity. The endless human rights violations of these people triggered decolonization and independence movements to do away with the colonial Empires thereby enduring natives their lands.
However, despite the successful independence of colonized nations, they have yet to recover the loss of their wealth and culture stolen by the former Empires.
Since the Atlantic slave trade, African Americans have suffered grave violations of enslavement until their emancipation in the 1865 civil war. However, despite the end of slavery, the community soon realized that their place in society and the American system was unfair. Hence, they began to form human rights groups such as the NAACP which were responsible for defending their human rights and freedoms.
The community faced great persecution during the Jim Crow segregation era where black people were segregated from their white counterparts in the country. This led to a powerful civil rights movement led by Martin Luther King Jr and other African American activists who demanded equal rights in the USA the same as their white counterparts. Today, police brutality has become another issue for the same community which had led to the Black Lives Matter movement addressing corporate human rights violations in the legal system.
Other than the African American community, the Hispanic community also experiences prejudice and racism owing to immigration status. They remain subjects of corporate human rights violations by enterprises looking to find cheap labor in the industry.
All people of color have banded together to find solutions to human rights violations against them and address the racial disparities they still endure in the current era.
The laws make it clear that an employer must establish a work environment that is devoid of any harassment or discrimination. The employer has the responsibility to run their business in a manner that provides equal job access and treats them equally.
The interviewer has the right to draft questions he will ask the interviewee during the hiring process. But the questions should only pertain to the requirements of the job. The requirements can range from physical to the ability to work long hours which may affect their job abilities. These are reasonable questions to make. However, if the questions go to asking about the ethnic origin or background of the interviewee, then the employer is heading towards a dangerous road.
If you have criteria regarding educational qualifications then you can pick out a suitable candidate of your choice. While human rights organizations do not permit you to discriminate, the right to hire is still your right.
If you want to avoid any claims of discrimination, form your questions the same way for each candidate to ensure that the pattern of questioning is the same. This way you can defend yourself from false claims of discrimination.
People of color and racial minorities in the Western world have been subjected to immense persecution and discrimination.