As soon as many males hit puberty, they start to grow a beard or facial hair on various areas of the face. At least that’s what it is supposed to be. The problem is that not all men can grow facial hair naturally, including beards. Although failing to grow facial hair when you are all grown makes you feel less of a man, that is not the case. Failure to grow facial hair or beard may result from many factors. Among them are genetic issues, medical conditions, and sometimes stress. Yes, extreme stress may make you lose your beard or facial hair.
Beard and facial hair make men feel complete in terms of their masculinity. Too many men in various communities, full beards or thick facial hair symbolize authority, security, and masculinity. If you can grow a beard naturally, you have nothing to be ashamed of. You can quickly grow some beard or facial hair by undergoing various hair restoration procedures and opting for hair beard growing medication.
A beard transplant in Beverly Hills surgery is one of the most effective facial hair restoration procedures. You can only get the best beard restoration results from the best hair restoration clinic in Los Angeles. That is Beverly Hills Hair Restoration clinic. Keep reading this post to learn more about the beard transplant procedure.
What is a Beard Transplant Surgery?
A beard transplant Beverly Hills surgery is a popular facial hair restoration procedure performed using minor surgery. It works the same way as a hair transplant procedure, but the recipient area differs. While the hair transplant procedure seeks to restore hair on the scalp, beard transplant restores hair on the beard area of the face. Usually, hair is harvested from areas of the body that do not experience hair loss.
The donor area in a beard transplant surgery can be anywhere in the body that grows healthy hair, including the back of the head, the sides of the head, the chest, feet, arm, pubic areas, and the trunk. A beard transplant procedure done at Beverly Hills Hair Restoration clinic can take two major approaches: the FUE beard transplant technique and the FUT beard transplant technique. Let’s look at these two approaches in detail to see what they offer.
FUE Beard Transplant
The FUE beard transplant Beverly Hills surgery is the most popular facial hair transplant procedure. Many men prefer this technique of beard restoration because it offers various benefits. The FUE beard transplant procedure involves harvesting graft hairs and transplanting them in the cheek, chin, or jawline areas. It is a minimally invasive procedure often done under local anesthesia to make the treatment painless.
While performing the FUE beard transplant procedure, the surgeon starts by shaving the donor area to make it easier to harvest graft hairs. A numbing agent or anesthesia reduces pain and discomfort during the procedure. Hair follicles are harvested individually using a micro-punch device and implanted in the facial areas experiencing beard or facial hair loss.
FUT Beard Transplant
The FUT beard transplant Beverly Hills surgery produces desirable results after a beard restoration procedure. FUT (follicular unit transfer) works almost the same as the FUE hair transplant procedure. The difference here is the grafted hair harvesting process. In FUE, graft hairs are harvested individually using a micro-punch device. In a FUT hair transplant procedure, the surgeon uses a scalpel to cut out a strip of skin from the donor area. The skin tissue contains healthy hair follicles that need to be transferred to the recipient area, which is the jawline. Once harvested, the tissue is dissected into smaller unit sizes called follicular units. A follicular unit contains 1 to 4 hair strands. These follicular units are then inserted into tiny holes made in the jawline.
Benefits of Beard Transplant Surgery
The beard transplant surgery offers various benefits once the surgery area heals completely. Here are some of its benefits:
Produces permanent results
A beard transplant in Beverly Hills permanently solves beard loss because you only need to have it once. When it heals, the beard will start growing for a lifetime, just like original facial hair.
Results can be customized.
Another benefit of a beard transplant surgery may be customized to give desired results. This helps the client to achieve his beard restoration goals.
The beard transplant Beverly Hills procedure at Beverly Hills Hair Restoration clinic always delivers desirable results. The reason is that it is performed by the best hair restoration surgeon in the industry. Our doctors will first examine the root cause of beard loss. If the beard transplant surgery is appropriate for your condition, Dr. John Kahen will conduct the surgery to ensure perfect results. You only need to undergo a beard transplant once, which will continue growing for the rest of your life.