Erectile dysfunction affects more men than we know. Most men try to hide it and suffer in agony all alone. It is not a rarity, and talking about it might help people around. Erectile dysfunction treatment is possible, and all you need is a sexologist’s consultation.
Erectile dysfunction can happen due to a wide variety of reasons, including chronic diseases, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, hormonal imbalance, and obesity among others. It could also happen due to psychological issues like depression, anxiety, and relationship difficulties. You should talk to an erectile dysfunction specialist to find the exact cause and get a suitable treatment.
Along with treatment for erectile dysfunction, can you do home remedies that might help you? Of course, you can, and we will talk about it below:
Lifestyle changes and erectile dysfunction
Lifestyle amendments can take you a long way to get fitter, both physically and sexually. Adopt these changes to see them for yourself. Let’s talk about them in detail:
Diet – A well-balanced diet is a solution for several issues, and erectile dysfunction is one of them. A proper diet with abundant fruits, vegetables, nuts, legumes, and whole foods can work wonders for the human body. A rich diet can increase cholesterol levels, which can further form plaques and affect the blood supply. Cook fresh meals at home and avoid frequent order-ins.
Exercise – We cannot emphasize enough the importance of exercise for the human body. A daily fitness regime can make you fitter and improve your cardiovascular health. We cannot do much for our bodies nowadays, given our sitting jobs and sedentary lifestyle. Try to move around at the office and take frequent breaks. If going to the gym seems impossible, try to take some steps during the day and go for a walk in the evening. A brisk walk for 40 minutes has shown tremendous improvement in men with erectile dysfunction. If the problem still seems to stay, you might consider talking to an erectile dysfunction doctor.
Sleep – Sleep is a vital part of human existence, but lately, we seem to compromise our sleep for trivial things like social media and parties. Others are too stressed and cannot sleep properly at night, and some are workaholics. Whatever the reason might be, sacrificing your sleep won’t do any good. You will have to bear the consequences at some point. Deficit sleep will affect your ability to focus and concentrate. Along with the ever-increasing fatigue, it may keep you from spending time with your partner. It can also depreciate your testosterone levels and cause sexual dysfunctions like low sex drive and erectile dysfunction.
Stress – Excessive stress may be a part of your life, but is it good? No, not at all. It can affect your mental and physical health. Persistent stressful conditions can be the reason for Erectile Dysfunction. Try to find a balance and indulge in activities that make you happy.
Bad habits – Habits like smoking and alcohol consumption can affect sex life. Smoking can cause various health conditions, and sexual dysfunctions are one of them. Excessive alcohol intake can slow your reflexes, and you might feel the urge to be intimate increase. But ultimately, it leads to failure in getting or maintaining an erection. To live your best life, quit smoking and limit the intake of alcohol.
Food choices – Some foods have proven beneficial for erectile dysfunction, and including those might resolve the dysfunction. The magnitude of the benefit depends on the severity of Ed. If you have severe erectile dysfunction and nothing seems to make a difference, you should talk to an erectile dysfunction specialist. But there is no harm in including these foods in your diet. Watermelon, for instance, is high in L-citrulline, which improves the blood supply and helps with erections. Other food items that can help you are caffeine, dark chocolate, tomatoes, spinach, garlic, peppers, and nuts. Include these in your diet to reap benefits.
Bottom Line
Erectile dysfunction has multiple causes, and it might get overwhelming. What you should know is erectile dysfunction treatment is available, and there is no reason for you to live with it. You should visit an erectile dysfunction doctor to find the best suitable treatment. Erectile dysfunction can be modified with the help of lifestyle changes too. Abiding by a healthy lifestyle will aid physical and mental well-being. Do not adopt these changes for a few days and expect miracles. You will only see visible differences if you do it for a longer duration and make it your lifestyle