Eating pizzas are a great way to have fun with your family, friends, and even yourself. It’s also fun to make pizza at home. The only problem is that most people don’t know how to make an authentic Italian pizza or what ingredients should be included in the dough. That’s why I’m here today, so you can learn how to make Italian pizza at home.
Ingredients & Purpose
Just as with any other food you want to make, ingredients are what make any pizza delicious and super fun to eat. Let’s discuss below some of the things you need before you start making the perfect batch.
Main Ingredients:
- Pizza dough (1 batch)
- Crushed tomatoes, fresh basil and oregano (1 cup)
- Mozzarella cheese (2 cups)
All-Purpose Flour, Plus More for Dusting
In a large mixing bowl, combine the flour and salt. Combine well with your fingers until all clumps have been broken up. This will help prevent sticking when you are rolling out the dough and creating your pizzas later on in this process. You can get the perfect ingredients online, El Moretto can help you stock up your favorite pizza flour.
Active Dry Yeast
Active dry yeast is a common type of yeast used in bread making. It’s easy to use and can be stored in the freezer. So it’s a good option for beginners who want to learn how to make Italian Pizza without spending a fortune on ingredients or equipment. To activate dry active yeast, add it directly into warm water with sugar (or honey). The mixture will begin bubbling within 10 minutes—you’ll know when it’s ready.
Kosher Salt
Kosher salt is a coarse-grained salt with large crystals that are easy to pick up and hold on to, making it ideal for brining meat. It’s also healthy because it doesn’t contain any additives or preservatives.
Table salt is made from evaporated or mined salts and contains anti-caking agents like silica gel, which makes it easier for consumers to pour out of containers. Without clumps forming in the bottom of their containers. Table salt has less sodium than kosher salt, but you’ll still need quite a bit of it if you’re going all out on your pizza creation.
Extra-Virgin Olive Oil
Extra-virgin olive oil is the best choice for this recipe. It’s much more flavorful than regular olive oil and has a richer, deeper flavor that will lend itself to your pizza’s overall taste.
Use a small amount of extra-virgin olive oil—about 1/2 tablespoon per pizza dough ball will work fine. Choose an extra-virgin variety that you love and trust in order to get the best results with this recipe. This is a must to make Italian pizza at home or well, anywhere in the world.
Pugliese Tomatoes (Passata Is a Good Alternative)
Pugliese tomatoes are the best for making pizza, but if you can’t find them in your area, passata is a good alternative. Passata is a concentrated tomato sauce that you can use instead of fresh tomatoes. It’s available at most grocery stores and it tastes just as good.
Anchovies Packed In Olive Oil, Drained and Minced
Anchovies are a salty and fishy delicacy that can be found in most grocery stores. They’re great for adding flavor to dishes, but they’re also high in protein, so they’ll keep you full longer than other types of fish.
They’re versatile too—you can use them in salads or pasta sauces, or even on pizza. But don’t try to eat them straight out of the jar: anchovies come packed with saltiness, which means they taste super-duper salty when eaten raw.
To prepare them for cooking (or eating), remove their heads and rinse thoroughly under running water before mincing them into small pieces with a sharp knife or processor attachment on your blender.
Oregano (Fresh or Dried)
Oregano is a key ingredient to make Italian pizza, so it’s important to get the right kind. If you’re using fresh oregano, make sure you don’t buy the kind that has been dried or frozen. Dried and frozen oreganos will have an unpleasant taste and smell.
Freshly picked leaves should be placed on top of a piece of foil or parchment paper before adding them to your dough ball. This will allow them to dry slightly while they cook—not completely dry out like some other herbs would do if left alone with their wetness exposed outside their package (which can lead to them becoming moldy).
If you want more concentrated flavor from your pizza then double up on this step by drying two batches at once.
Red Pepper Flakes (Optional)
If you’re looking for a little extra heat, red pepper flakes are an excellent option. They can be used on their own or as a substitute for black pepper and paprika in the recipe below.
Mozzarella (Fresh or Buffalo), Finely Shredded
Mozzarella is the best cheese for making pizza. It’s is a fresh cow’s milk cheese and the most popular topping for you to use when making your own special Italian recipes. It can be found in many supermarkets but if you live somewhere where it’s not as easy to get hold of then there are other options that taste just as good.
There are several varieties of mozzarella available:
- Fresh mozzarella – This type of cheese has been aged for about one week before being sliced into rounds or blocks. These slices should not be too hard because they’ll break easily when trying to fold them into your pizza dough (you’ll see what I mean). The texture should be soft enough so that it doesn’t crumble apart while baking without becoming too chewy either. Otherwise, everyone will end up complaining about how “hard” their meal was because they won’t want anymore!
- Frozen shredded mozzarella – This type comes frozen directly from Italy along with all its other ingredients including salt water which gives it more flavor than fresh ones do because none were added during the processing like ours here at home
Make Italian Pizza at Home ( Kinda )
You can make your own pizza at home. You just need a few ingredients and some time to put it all together.
Make the dough. This is the most important step of making Italian pizza, It’s very simple: combine flour, yeast (or baking powder), and salt in a large bowl until combined. Then stir in warm water until you have a shaggy dough ball. Transfer this mixture onto a floured surface where you’ll knead it for 10 minutes until smooth and elastic.
Proceed with filling toppings—you’ll probably want something tomato-based like tomato sauce or ketchup so that when cooked through your crust doesn’t become too soggy.
Top with mozzarella cheese if desired as well as anchovies if desired because they add texture. Yes, anchovies do taste like fish but no one will know unless they ask about them first. Get in touch with the best pizza dough wholesale suppliers in Ireland and stock up before trying out your culinary skill, here you can get the best deal at great offers.
Making pizza at home is an affordable and fun way to eat and have fun with your family. It’s also pretty easy, as long as you have all the ingredients on hand. You can use store-bought dough or make your own with our recipe.