QuickBooks Error 1618 might be caused by problems with the installation of the Microsoft Runtime Library. Multiple Windows installation instances are only one of the many potential causes of this problem. The QuickBooks error code 1618 is most often brought on by Windows registry issues. The error code has to be fixed soon since it might lead to a system crash. We’ll learn about the causes of the error code as well as how to resolve it successfully in this post.
You can get in touch with us at 1-855-856-0042 and receive prompt support from our support staff if you need help fixing the QB Error code 1618 on your own and are experiencing trouble.
Causes that might be responsible for the QuickBooks Error code 1618
The QuickBooks Runtime Library Error 1618 could have several causes, including the following:-
- Both the installation procedure and your QuickBooks are flawed.
- Error code 1618 occurs as a result of a corrupted Microsoft runtime library.
- There may be problems with the Windows registry or corrupted critical Windows files, which are two contributing contributors to the QuickBooks error 1618.
- Malware or an anti-virus infection has infected crucial QB files.
- Applications can’t download because Windows doesn’t have the MSIEXEC process active.
Recommended to read: How to fix QuickBooks Error 1723
Simple Solutions for Fixing QuickBooks Update Error 1618
The actions listed below can be followed if you are experiencing QuickBooks Desktop problem 1618:-
The first step is to use the Run window to create a Windows Registry backup.
The most common causes of the QuickBooks error 1618 are Windows registry problems, which you may fix as follows:-
- You may execute the regedit command by choosing Start from the Windows Start menu and then clicking Run.
- Choose Export from the File menu, then from the Export Range, pick All Option.
- Next, delete the sub-keys after letting the backup finish and saving it to your desktop.
- Check to check whether error 1618 is fixed by reopening QuickBooks.
Utilize the Tool Hub’s Quick Fix Tool and reinstall the Runtime Library.
The runtime libraries may be reinstalled, and the Quick Fix my Program utility can be used to fix the QB error code 1618 with these steps:-
- Open the Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Package, either the 32-bit or 64-bit version, from the Microsoft C++ Redistribute Package.
- Download the file to access the C++ package, then save it somewhere that is simple to get to.
- Follow the on-screen directions to download it by double-clicking on the vcredist X86.exe or vcredist X64.exe file.
- After that, you may access the Program Problems tab in the QuickBooks Tool Hub to address any application-related problems.
- To do a quick program repair on your QB Desktop, locate and use the Quick Fix my Program feature.
- Rerun QuickBooks to check the error code’s status when the tool has finished identifying and resolving the problems.
Following the instructions in this article will help you successfully fix QuickBooks error 1618. You can contact us by calling our toll-free number, 1-855-856-0042, and request help from our team of specialists if you follow the instructions, but the mistake still occurs.
Also read: QuickBooks error 17337: What is it and how to fix it?