Daily practice of yoga is very useful to make the body healthy and fit. Seeing the benefits of yoga, today people all over the world are adopting it. By including the practice of yoga in your fitness routine, you not only make the body physically healthy and disease free but your mind and mind also benefit from its practice. In ancient times, sages practiced yoga. The science of yoga includes information on different yoga asanas for different parts of the body. The beneficial yoga for the body is Ardha Setu Bandhasana which is also called Half Bridge Pose in English. Your waist, lower back, and internal parts of the body get a lot of benefits from the regular practice of this yoga asana. The practice of Ardha Setubandhasana is also considered very beneficial for those who have problems related to stomach or digestion. Through Yoga in Bali, you can learn yoga and get complete information about yoga. Let us know the benefits and methods of practicing Ardha Setu Bandhasana.
Benefits of Ardha Setu Bandhasana:
Regular practice of Ardha Setu Bandhasana is very useful to make the body healthy and fit. If you practice this yoga on a regular basis, then the muscles of your body get a lot of benefits. A supplementary yoga pose to Halasana is Ardha Setubandhasana. You can practice this even after a shoulder stand. This is a medium-grade yoga posture and in this, your posture is like a half-bridge. This yoga asana is a form of Setu Bandhasana. Practicing Ardha Setubandhasana greatly benefits your lungs, heart, and lymphatic system. Let us know about the benefits of regular practice of Ardha Setu Bandhasana.
1. Ardha Setu Bandhasana for muscles health
To make the muscles of the body flexible and to make the muscles healthy, the practice of Ardha Setubandhasana is very beneficial. If you practice this yoga posture regularly, then your lower back and back muscles also get benefits.
2. Thyroid
In today’s time, due to reasons related to food and lifestyle, the problem of the thyroid is becoming a lot in people. Practicing Ardha Sethund Asana is beneficial in the problem of the thyroid. If you practice Ardha Setubandhasana regularly, it stimulates your thyroid and parathyroid glands.
3. Heart Problem
The practice of Ardha Setubandhasana is considered very beneficial even in the problem of irregular heartbeat. Regular practice of this yoga asana reduces your heart rate and also helps in reducing blood pressure. The Ardha Setu Bandhasana reduces blood pressure and heart rate if you raise your chest high enough to press against the chin.
4. Strengthening the shoulder
The practice of Ardha Setubandhasana is very beneficial for strengthening the shoulder. It is also practiced after shoulder stand exercises. Your shoulder muscles also benefit from its practice.
5. Benefits for lungs
The practice of Ardha Setubandhasana is considered very beneficial for stimulating the heart, lungs, thymus, and lymph glands. If you practice this yoga asana regularly, then you also get benefits for the problem related to the lungs.
6. Relieve tension and pain
The practice of Ardha Setubandhasana is considered very beneficial for the abdomen and lower back. The practice of Ardha Setubandhasana is very useful to relieve tension and pain in the lower abdomen. In addition to making the back muscles stronger and more flexible, Ardha Setubandhasana also strengthens the legs.
7. Tone the muscles
The practice of Ardha Setubandhasana is considered very useful to strengthen and tone the muscles of the legs and hips.
How to practice Ardha Setu Bandhasana:
To practice Ardha Setu Bandhasana, you follow these steps.
- First of all, lie down on your back by laying on a yoga mat.
- After this, bend your knees and bring the piers closer to the hips.
- Now keeping your feet hip-width apart, keep the heels on the floor.
- Keeping your palms facing down, press your hands on the floor.
- After this, while breathing in, lift the hips upwards.
- Now move your hands towards the ankles and move the chest towards the chin.
- Breathe normally and after staying in this pose for some time come back to the normal position.
While practicing Ardha Setu Bandhasana, initially you should stay in the pose for 30 seconds to 1 minute, after that gradually you can increase your time. While practicing this yoga posture, one should not stress too much about any part of the body. If you are facing any kind of problem while practicing Ardha Setubandhasana then do not practice yoga. In the beginning, you should take the help of an expert or yoga guru while practicing Ardha Setu Bandhasana.