Bhardwajasana is an ancient yoga posture and it is very popular even today due to its health benefits. It is a simple yoga posture, which does not require much physical strength to practice, nor does the person have to keep the balance of the body in the air. Bharadvajasana is named after Bharadvaja Muni and in English, it is known as Bharadvaja’s twist. Bhardwajasana mainly makes the muscles of the spine, thigh, calf, and shoulders flexible. However, practicing with the right technique can overcome many mental problems. Yoga Retreat in Rishikesh also offers a great opportunity to people who want to teach Yoga in the future.
Benefits of Bhardwajasana:
Bhardwajasana is such a yoga practice, which if done keeping in mind the right technique and special things, can provide the following health benefits –
1. Bhardwajasana reduces waist fat
Practicing Bharadwajasana yoga stretches both sides of the waist, this helps in reducing waist fat along with strengthening the muscles.
2. Bhardwajasana removes back stiffness
For those who have a problem with back stiffness, then this yoga can be very beneficial for them. During Bhardwajasana, there is proper tension and stretch in the muscles of the back, due to which the stiffness of the back and neck is reduced.
3. Benefits in hip and knee joints
Practicing Bhardwajasana yoga also has a positive effect on the hip and knee joints. With this yoga posture, the structures present in the knee and hip joints begin to stretch and the joints begin to open.
4. Improve digestion with Bhardwajasana
This yoga pose also stretches the muscles of the abdomen and also exerts positive pressure on the internal organs of the abdomen. Due to pressure in the abdominal muscles, its internal organs stop working effectively and the digestion process improves.
However, the health benefits derived from Bhardwajasana completely depend on the method of yoga asana and your health condition.
How to do Bhardwajasana:
If you are going to practice Bharadvajasana for the first time, you may find it helpful to form this yoga pose by following these steps –
1 – First of all spread the mat on flat ground and sit on it in the Dandasana yoga posture.
2 – Bending both knees, bring the feet near your left hip, and during this keep the body weight on the right hip.
3 – With the help of the hand, lift the right leg by the ankle and place it on the left thigh.
4 – Keep the spine and neck straight and keep breathing deeply and slowly.
5 – Now place the left hand on the right knee and slowly pull it towards you.
6 – Bringing the right hand from behind, hold the toe of the right foot with your hand.
You can usually maintain this yoga posture according to your ability and then gradually come back to normal posture.
Precautions during Bharadwajasana:
It is very important to keep the following things in mind while practicing Bhardwajasana –
- Warm up before starting yoga
- keep the waist and neck straight
- Do not force the ankle on the thigh.
When not to do Bhardwajasana:
In the following situations, permission should be taken from the doctor before practicing Bhardwajasana –
- Any part of the body experiencing severe pain or bruising
- Tiredness or muscle weakness
- Menstruation or pregnancy
- Having high or low blood pressure
- Loss of body balance or old age