Surya Namaskar is the most effective and beneficial in Yogasanas, the essence of all the asanas is hidden in it. Surya Namaskar is practiced in 12 positions. Its asanas can be done very easily. And Surya Mudra operates the fire elements of our body.
Surya Namaskar is the most effective and beneficial in Yogasan. The essence of all the asanas is hidden in this. Surya Namaskar is practiced in 12 positions. Its asanas can be done very easily. And Surya Mudra operates the fire elements of our body. The finger of the Sun is related to the Sun and the planet Uranus. By doing Surya Namaskar, eyesight increases, blood flow increases, blood pressure is comfortable, weight is reduced. By doing Surya Namaskar one can get rid of many diseases.
There are 12 methods of Surya Namaskar:
1- Standing in the posture of caution, raise both hands equal to the shoulders and move them upwards. Stick the front part of the hands to each other, then bring the hands towards the front in the same position and rotate downwards and stand in the pose of Namaskar.
2- While inhaling, pull both hands upwards by touching the ears and while bending backward from the waist, bend the arms and neck backward as well, this is considered to be the position of Ardhachakrasana.
3- While exhaling slowly, bend forward. Touch the ground on the left and right sides of the feet keeping the knees straight by going down along the neck, adjacent to the ears. Stay in this position for some time. This position is called Pad Paschimottanasana or Padahastasana.
4- In this position, keeping the hands on the ground, take the right leg back while breathing. After that lift the neck by pulling the chest forward. In this posture, the paw of the foot should remain standing.
5- While exhaling slowly, move the left leg backward as well. Now the heels of both feet should meet each other. Stretch the body backward and tilt the neck by joining the heels on the ground.
6- While breathing, prostrate the body equal to the ground and put the knees, chest, and chin on the ground. Exhale while lifting the thighs slightly.
7- In this position, while inhaling slowly, pull the chest forward and straighten the hands. Move the neck backward. The knees are touching the ground and the toes of the feet should stand. It is also called Bhujangasan.
8- Make a posture like the fifth position, after that look at the toes of the feet while resting the chin on the throat.
9- In this situation, make a posture like the fourth position, after that take the left leg back, and bring the right leg forward.
10- Make a pose like the third position, after that bring the left leg forward and come to the position of Paschimottanasana.
11- While in the second posture, take both hands up while inhaling. In the same position, move the hands backward, as well as bend the neck and waist backward.
12- This position is like the first mudra i.e. the mudra of Namaskar.
Benefits of Surya Namaskar Yoga:
- Surya Namaskar gives Vitamin D which strengthens the bones.
- Eyesight increases.
- The flow of blood in the body becomes faster, which gives relief in the disease of blood pressure.
- And the effect of Surya Namaskar falls on the mind and the mind remains cool.
- It is helpful in reducing the weight of obese people.
- Protects hair from graying and dandruff.
- It is helpful in controlling anger.
- The waist is flexible and the spinal cord is strong.
- The possibility of getting skin diseases ends.
If you want to learn different types of yoga asana then you can enroll in the 300 hour yoga teacher training in Rishikesh.
Surya Namaskar Yoga should be done early in the morning after the daily routine by facing east. The action of Surya Namaskar should be done at least 12 times.