When you take out an online payday loan, it can be tempting to see that money as an unrestricted resource. After all, the cash is yours now, right? So why not take out whatever you need? The problem with this mindset is that once you borrow money, you are then financially obligated to repay that loan.
You cannot just spend it on whatever you like. As such, knowing when you have borrowed enough money is crucial to staying within your means and avoiding debt.
Here’s how to know if you have borrowed enough money:
Decide on how much you need
The first thing you need to decide when you have borrowed enough money is how much you need. This may be different to how much you will actually borrow. For example, you may borrow $20,00 with the intention of only spending $15,000. In this case, you have actually borrowed $5,000 more than is necessary.
However, if you are only spending $15,00 and intending to pay it back later, this is fine. Regardless of the amount you intend to borrow, it is always good practice to know how much you need to cover your basic living costs.
You may also wish to set aside a portion of your salary for non-essential items, such as a car or holiday.
This may help you to keep your spending in check and avoid unnecessary debt. Use a budget to know where your money goes
A budget is a plan for how you will use your money. It is a useful tool for controlling your spending and staying on track. There are different types of budget: fixed income, spending and lump sum.
A fixed income budget sets a fixed amount from every income that you will use for specific things. For example, you may decide to set aside 10% of your income for your personal expenses such as your mortgage, utilities, groceries and other bills. A spending budget is more flexible and allows you to decide how you would like to spend your money.
A lump sum budget is the most flexible and will allow you to decide how you would like to spend your money.
Look at your debt-to-income ratio
Your debt-to-income ratio is the amount of money you borrow divided by your gross income. For example, if you borrow $10,000 and earn $80,000 per year, your ratio is 10:80. A ratio below 30% is considered low and is a good sign that you have enough money.
A ratio of 40% to 50% is more likely to be risky and indicates that you may have a problem. A ratio of 60% or more is high and may indicate that you are at risk of debt, such as if you have a high salary debt-to-income ratio and a low liquid assets ratio.
If you are finding that your debt-to-income ratio is high, it may be a good idea to look at your spending. You may wish to look at your personal and long-term expenses.
Track Your Finances
There’s no shame in tracking your finances if you find it helpful. Take a notebook with you and make a list of all your expenses. List what you spend on, when you spend it and how much it costs.
This will be helpful if you ever find yourself in a spending rut and need to get back on track. If you rely on credit cards or loans, be sure to track your spending and make sure that you pay off your debts as soon as possible.
Know the Meaning of Enough
There will be times when you will want to buy something that you really want, but you need to resist the urge and keep your spending in check.
There will also be times when you need to say “no” and say “not right now.” If you know when these situations are, you can better regulate your spending and avoid debt.
The key is to know when you have borrowed enough money, know what the meaning of enough is and know when you have to say “no” and “not now.”
If you can do this, you will be able to better manage your finances and avoid debt.
Payoff Your Debt in Time
If you have any debts, you should make a priority of paying them off as soon as possible. This will help you to keep your debt-to-income ratio low.
The general rule is that you should pay off your smallest debt first. This will help to decrease your overall debt-to-income ratio. Once you have paid off your smallest debt, you should make a priority of paying off your next largest debt.
This will help you to keep your finances in order and avoid any potential debt.
Don’t forget about savings and investment accounts
You should make a priority of saving a portion of your income. This should be directed into a savings account, which is where you will put it.
Saving money is important, not only for the present, but also for the future. Saving money will help you to avoid debt if you need to make a large purchase. It will also help you to establish a healthy money mindset, which will help you to keep your finances in check in the future. An investment account may also be a good idea.
This may help you to save for retirement and put some money away for when you are older. This could help to avoid having to work for as long as you will be able to receive a pension from the government.
Check for hidden loan costs
There may be loan fees that are not included in the initial loan amount. Make sure to check the loan agreement and fees to ensure that you do not have any hidden costs. You may also have other fees associated with borrowing, such as late payment fees.
Make sure that you take care of any fees so that you do not end up paying a fee for simply borrowing money.
Sum up
Knowing when you have borrowed enough money is crucial to avoiding debt and keeping your finances in order. Try to keep your debt-to-income ratio below 30% and make a priority of paying off your debts as soon as possible.
You should also make savings and investments as well as ensure that you are not paying any hidden costs associated with borrowing. Once you have done this, you will be better equipped to manage your finances and avoid debt.