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habits of welldressed men is a man that knows how to dress appropriately for his social setting, whether it's at work or on the weekends. There are many different ways to dress for the occasion and make sure your clothes are put together. For example, a well-dressed man will not have his shirt tucked in but instead will have it hanging out so that it does not get caught on the buttons of his pants. A well-dressed man will also be aware of what colors work well with his skin tone and his outfit.There are certain habits that make men feel great and confident in their style. One habit that is a must for any man is having a well-tailored suit. A well-fitted suit will always make you look sharp and classy. It also helps to have a tailored shirt and tie, as well as a pair of quality shoes. Another habit that many men have, but is not as important, is wearing a nice watch. A watch is a great way to express yourself and make an impression on people around you.

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